About me
Dr. Anton von Gunten
Planning for the decommissioning of the Mühleberg nuclear power plant, including the development of organisational and technical concepts for the case of a short-term final shutdown as well as participation in the BKW decommissioning project.
Determination of post-operational and decommissioning costs together with the other Swiss nuclear power plants as part of cost studies.
Preparation of the reports for the decommissioning concept and demonstration of feasibility for waste disposal as well as the chapter on radiation protection in the safety analysis report for the general licence applications for the replacement nuclear power plants Mühleberg and Beznau planned at the time with Resun AG.
Responsible for the monitoring of the Mühleberg nuclear power plant with respect to radiation protection and radioactive releases, reactor physics, nuclear fuel, chemistry as well as conditioning and storage of radioactive wastes.
Formulation and introduction of a quality management system, initially focussed on the Production of radioactive waste packages, then as project manager for the entire Mühleberg nuclear power plant as well as coach and advisor during the further development of the quality management function.
Development and implementation of a concept for the conditioning of radioactive waste, including conceptualisation and implementation of a compaction system for the volume-reducing conditioning of filter resins. Manufacture of radioactive waste packages suitable for geological deep repository, including developing the process and gaining the necessary approvals as well as specification of the waste package types and carrying out the type testing required by the authorities. Implementation of conditioning campaigns, especially those for irradiated core internals. Re-documentation of the waste present and processing of inherited waste. Management of the waste book-keeping. Carrying out transports relating to radioactive waste.
Processing issues around Transnuklear to the extent that BKW was involved. In particular identification, return and treatment of the wastes from Mühleberg nuclear power plant delivered to the waste treatment facilities in Mol (Belgium) in 1987. Also, development of a method for the conditioning of fuel element channels as well as concept development for the information system for radioactive waste ISRA together with the other Swiss nuclear power plants.