About me
Dr. Anton von Gunten
Member of the plant management team of the Mühleberg nuclear power plant.
Coordination of overall aspects of nuclear safety, for quality management, within the Swiss and international nuclear energy sectors, regarding nuclear waste management and decommissioning, including the associated costs.
Member of the internal safety committee of the Mühleberg nuclear power plant as well as the emergency organisation (inc. qualification as emergency manager and head of the emergency staff).
Coordinator for the cooperation of the Mühleberg nuclear power plant with the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inc. Organisation of review in Mühleberg nuclear power plant and participation in reviews at foreign plants (in Slovenia and Russia).
Management of infrastructure projects, including the new construction of an operations building and reshaping the access into the controlled area of the existing operating building of Mühleberg nuclear power plant.
Management of the Surveillance department with approx. 50 employees in the areas of nuclear fuels, physics, radiation protection, chemistry and radioactive waste with safety-focused and economic allocation of human and financial resources. Creation and promotion of the safety culture as well as compliance monitoring with respect to safety regulations.
Coordination of the analysis of internal and external events as well as engineering tasks in the department.
Coordination with the regulatory authorities as well as information exchange with other nuclear power plants and within the framework of international institutions, as well as the implementation of the experience gathered at Mühleberg nuclear power plant.
Project management for the first ever introduction of a certifiable quality management system in the Swiss nuclear sector across the entire Mühleberg nuclear power plant.
Setup and management of the radioactive waste function, including creation and care of the required organisational and technical specification documents.
Manager of the “Product support, Service” group in the Karlstein manufacturing facility of Siemens AG (and Kraftwerk Union).